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Struggling to Hire? Automated Wireless Charging Can Help

Resonant Link
August 17, 2023

An Indeed search for Forklift Operator jobs recently revealed there are 77,191 open job postings for forklift drivers, not including jobs under different titles like Fleet Supervisors, Fleet Dispatch Specialists, and others. Labor challenges aren’t new to the material handling industry. In fact, employee recruiting and retention have become top priorities for many businesses as turnover rates hit an all-time high, training is costly, and workers are increasingly hard to find. One of the top ways to recruit and retain employees is to give them the tools and technologies they need to make their jobs easier and more fulfilling. It’s a bonus if those same tools and technologies that employees want also help fill labor gaps, eliminating or performing jobs that don’t require a person. Wireless charging is one of those tools.

Wireless Charging Alleviates Labor Challenges

Automated wireless charging systems can alleviate labor challenges related to employee recruitment, training, and retention in several ways.

Reduced Training Complexity

Wireless charging eliminates the need for operators to manually plug and unplug charging cables, which can be a simple but critical task in many operations. By automating the charging process, the training required for new employees is simplified, and they can become productive more quickly. Employees also avoid the frustration of starting a shift only to find out the prior operator didn’t charge the truck they need. With automated wireless charging, worrying about plug compliance is a thing of the past.

Minimized Human Intervention

Automated wireless charging systems require minimal human intervention. Once the charger is in place, the system starts and stops charging automatically, eliminating the need for operator oversight. The only time someone needs to get involved is if the charging system detects an foreign object in the charge range and alerts a team member to come remove it. Because of this, wireless charging reduces the labor demands related to monitoring and managing charging procedures, while ensuring safe operations for all.

Safety and Comfort 

Removing the need for manual charging also reduces potential safety risks associated with handling electrical cables and connectors. Employees are less exposed to the hazards of electrical connections, and this contributes to a safer and more comfortable work environment, which can aid in retention.

Operational Continuity

Wireless charging allows for more efficient opportunity charging, enabling forklifts and other equipment to be charged during breaks, planned downtime, and stops on routes. This minimizes the impact of charging on the operational schedule and can alleviate labor challenges caused by interruptions in workflow. In fact, with wireless charging, no vehicle or person will need to stop what they are doing just to charge.

Enhanced Productivity

By eliminating unplanned downtime and allowing for continuous operation, automated wireless charging boosts productivity, which helps to mitigate labor shortages and reduces the pressure on existing employees of being short-staffed.

Flexibility in Labor Allocation

With the charging process automated, employees can be allocated to more strategic and value-added tasks, contributing to job satisfaction and potentially aiding in retention. Wireless charging allows businesses to leverage their workforce more effectively and employees can advance in their careers to positions where they’re monitoring entire fleets, for example, as opposed to operating individual vehicles.

Appeal to a Tech-Savvy Workforce

Wireless charging aligns with the expectations of a tech-savvy workforce that is accustomed to more automation and efficiency. Offering innovative technology can make a workplace more attractive to potential employees and improve employee morale.

Reduced Maintenance

Many wireless charging systems are designed for minimal maintenance requirements, further reducing the need for dedicated maintenance personnel to oversee charging infrastructure. This can help businesses save on labor costs and reduce repetitive tasks employees need to perform.

Improved Employee Satisfaction

Simplifying charging processes and reducing downtime through automated wireless charging can contribute to higher employee satisfaction and, in turn, improve recruitment and retention. Satisfied employees are more likely to stay with a company and recommend it to others.


Automated wireless charging can help mitigate labor challenges by simplifying training, enhancing safety, reducing downtime, and improving overall employee satisfaction. By streamlining charging processes and freeing up employees for more value-added tasks, it can contribute to a more efficient and attractive workplace for both existing and potential employees.

Contact us today to learn how easy it is to get started with wireless charging.

Photo by Gabriel Alenius

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