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Resonant Link Featured on NPR's Marketplace

Resonant Link
October 31, 2023

If Halloween was the highlight of the month for many, our highlight was hearing Henry Epp discuss the future of EV charging on NPR's Marketplace. Marketplace is an American radio program that focuses on business, the economy, and events that influence them. Epp talked about the potential of wireless charging for electric vehicles to keep us moving and highlighted Resonant Link's work to make wireless charging that's fast, reliable, and easy to use so warehouses can be more efficient.

If you missed it, or want to listen again, you can find the segment here. And when you think about wirelessly charging your car in the future, think about all the ways wireless charging can help people, businesses, and the planet right now.

Take, for instance, our wireless lift truck chargers that are helping warehouses save time and money. They are currently being piloted by the leading forklift manufacturers in the U.S. Initial estimates show that each year, fleet operators can save just under $5,000 for every truck they switch to wireless charging. See a detailed cost savings breakdown here or calculate your expected savings.

Forklift CTA Banner (2)

Wireless charging is also key for businesses who are looking to scale their operations. Wireless charging helps warehouse workers by automating work they shouldn't have to do to get their job done. It helps businesses by boosting efficiency and driving down costs. And it helps all of us when we order something online and don't want to pay a lot for shipping or related services like Amazon Prime.

Give the segment a listen and send us your feedback -- what do you wish you could wirelessly charge?

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