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Partner Spotlight: Opto Biosystems Hopes to Improve the Lives of People Suffering from Neurological Disorders

Resonant Link
April 18, 2023

Opto Biosystems and Resonant Link have partnered to improve the lives of people suffering from neurological disorders by wirelessly powering tiny sensors that will be implanted into the brain. The implants will provide an unparalleled stream of neurological data that will be used to help treat serious conditions, including treatment-resistant neurological disorders.

“Bioelectronics is the future of medicine,” co-founder Elise Jenkins told Business Weekly, adding, “It presents new opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of serious medical conditions such as brain cancer and epilepsy – complicated conditions where the development of new drugs are not necessarily improving our ability to treat these conditions.”

“By developing exquisitely small and minimally invasive biological interfaces, we can create opportunities to treat some of the world’s toughest medical problems,” Jenkins continues. “Our focus is on pushing the boundaries of what's possible with technology and data while collaborating with a consortium of leading clinicians from across the globe.”

Jenkins and her co-founder Ben Woodington recently announced a pre-seed round to grow their team and validate their core platform. They have bold plans to revolutionize how we understand and treat the brain, built from years of experience in business and academic settings, and support from investors like Blackbird Ventures, Possible Ventures, and Amar Shah, co-founder of Wayve Technologies.

Opto Biosystems engaged Resonant Link to accelerate their mission of providing clinicians with minimally invasive implantable neurotechnology to fight hard-to-treat diseases. Together, they aim to improve neurological treatment and monitoring and give hope to the millions of people living with previously untreatable or difficult-to-treat neurological disorders.

Visit https://www.opto.bio/ to learn more about Opto Biosystems.

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