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Forklift Charging Comparison

Resonant Link
October 13, 2023

Forklift Charging Comparison

Charging for forklifts and material handling equipment is a major component of fleet operations, ensuring vehicles are available and ready to use when needed. However, it’s also a major source of frustration and hidden costs for many businesses. Unproductive labor and operational costs from time-consuming, inefficient charging, and excess equipment and energy costs from optimizing operations around charging, and not the other way around, have made forklift charging a liability for many operations. But it can also be an asset, improving operational efficiency and driving increased fleet productivity.

There are several electric forklift charging options, offering various advantages and disadvantages based on factors like cost, efficiency, convenience, and environmental impact. To understand the best forklift charging method for your operations, continue reading for a comparison of the most popular types of forklift charging.

Conventional Plug-In Charging for Forklifts

Conventional plug-in charging for forklifts, also known as wired charging, involves physically connecting the forklift to a power source through a cable or conductive connection.

Charging Infrastructure: When wired charging for forklifts is used, a designated charging station is set up within the facility, typically with multiple forklift chargers. The charging station includes the necessary electrical components, connectors, and charging cables.

Charging Process: To charge the forklift, the operator or a designated technician plugs the charging cable into the forklift's charging port. This establishes an electrical connection between the forklift's battery and the forklift charging station. Once the connection is established, the charging station begins delivering electricity to the forklift's battery. When the forklift's battery is fully charged or reaches the specified charge level, the forklift charger typically stops the charging process. The forklift operator or technician then disconnects the cable from the forklift. To ensure safe charging, operators follow a set of procedures when connecting and disconnecting the forklift from the charger, including inspecting the cables and connectors for any damage and ensuring that the connection is secure.

Pros: Lower cost for the charger alone, although electrical upgrades and installation costs add to the overall cost. Once connected, charging can be fast, especially with wired fast charging.

Cons: High labor costs, requires operators to follow proper charge procedures, high maintenance costs from broken chargers, connectors, and cables, increased safety risks and reliance on operators for safe operation, requires a dedicated charging area, not suitable for continuous heavy usage.

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Forklift Battery Swapping

Battery swapping is a method of recharging electric forklifts (and other electric vehicles) by replacing a depleted forklift battery with a fully charged forklift battery.

Charging Infrastructure: A forklift battery swapping station, also called a battery exchange station, is set up within a facility at a designated location. This station contains a stockpile of forklift batteries that technicians keep fully charged. Also set up in the station are the chargers that are used to charge the depleted forklift batteries once they’ve been removed from the forklifts that were using them.

Charging Process: When an electric forklift's battery is depleted or needs recharging, the forklift operator or a designated technician drives the forklift to the battery exchange station. Before the battery swap begins, safety precautions must be taken, such as turning the forklift off, putting the forklift in a secure and level position, and using safety chocks or locks to ensure the forklift stays in place. The correct battery must then be identified. Each forklift battery and the corresponding bay in the battery swapping station are uniquely identified to ensure that the correct battery is selected for the forklift model.

After preparing to swap the battery, the depleted battery is removed from the forklift. This is typically done using specialized equipment, such as battery hoists or automated systems.  Then, the fully charged replacement battery is installed in the forklift. The replacement forklift battery is securely connected using locking mechanisms and/or connectors.

Before resuming operation, safety checks are conducted to confirm that the battery is securely installed and connected. The depleted batteries removed from the forklifts are taken to a separate charging area where they are charged and prepared for future use in other forklifts. In addition, many facilities require detailed record keeping of each battery’s status, including its usage history, charge cycles, and maintenance needs. This data helps ensure batteries are properly maintained and replaced when necessary; however, it is time consuming and error prone.

Pros: No electrical upgrades needed like with wired charging, can be more reliable than wired charging.

Cons: High upfront cost from additional battery inventory, specialized equipment, and training needed, labor-intensive, requires a dedicated battery swapping space, increased safety risks from dropped batteries and battery spills, takes time to swap batteries, leading to increased downtime.

Wireless Forklift Charging

Wireless charging for forklifts uses inductive or conductive technology to transfer electrical energy from a charging system to the forklift's battery without the need for physical cables or connectors. Wireless charging for forklifts offers several benefits, making it an attractive option for many industrial and warehouse settings. 

Charging Infrastructure: The primary components of a wireless charging system include the wireless charging station, also called a transmitter, and the receiving unit that’s mounted onto the forklift and connects to the forklift battery, called a receiver. The charging station consists of several key components, including a coil or conductor that generates a magnetic field and a control unit or power electronics to manage the energy transfer and communications with the receiver. The receiver is typically integrated into the forklift battery compartment or located beneath the forklift's chassis for horizontal charging pads. The receiver contains another coil or conductor that can interact with the magnetic field generated by the charging pad and power electronics for communications with the transmitter and battery management system, when available.

Wireless forklift chargers like Resonant Link’s 19.2 kW, 400 A wireless charging system can be installed anywhere and connected to the grid via a standard wall outlet, so no additional infrastructure or electric upgrades are needed.

Charging Process: When the forklift is positioned within the charging range, the control unit within the charging station initiates the charging process by generating a high-frequency alternating current that creates a magnetic field. The magnetic field generated by the charging station induces an electrical current in the receiving unit on the forklift through electromagnetic induction. This current flows through the receiving coil before it is rectified and converted into DC electricity that’s used to charge the forklift's battery. The charging process begins with the battery taking in electrical energy, similar to traditional wired charging, but without the need for cables or connections. Wireless chargers are equipped with monitoring and control features that regulate the charging process, adjusting the charging rate to match the battery's capacity and monitoring the battery's state of charge. Once the forklift's battery reaches the desired state of charge or is fully charged, the charging system automatically stops charging and the forklift is ready for operation.

Pros: automatic starting and stopping of charging, no manual labor required, reduced wear and tear, no exposed connectors or cables, less or no unplanned downtime, safer charging, better real estate utilization due to eliminating battery rooms and large charging stations, easy to install, reduced operating costs, improved energy efficiency, flexibility in charging locations, battery types, and vehicles that can be charged, more efficient operations.

Cons: slightly lower energy efficiency depending on the position of the truck when it’s charged, potential challenges with alignment and technology compatibility depending on the wireless charging system used.

Solar Battery Charging for Forklifts

Solar-powered charging stations use solar panels to generate electricity for charging electric forklifts. They use solar panels to generate electricity, reducing the need for electricity from traditional power sources and overall electricity costs. Additionally, solar charging stations for forklifts can be installed in outdoor and remote locations where electricity may not be readily available.

Charging Infrastructure: Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, are installed on rooftops, parking structures, or other suitable locations near the desired forklift charging area. Electric forklifts have onboard charging stations with connectors to link the forklift's battery to the charging system. Adequate electrical wiring and cabling are required to connect the solar panels, inverters, charge controllers, and forklift charging stations. Proper installation is essential to ensure efficient and safe energy transfer.

Charging Process: Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, are installed on rooftops, parking structures, or other suitable locations near the desired forklift charging area. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which is typically stored in a battery bank for use when the sun is not shining or when the demand for charging is high.

The electricity generated by the solar system is sent to the forklift charging stations. When a forklift needs to be charged, it is connected to one of these stations, which are similar to conventional plug-in charging stations for forklifts. Some solar power systems are designed to be grid-connected, allowing excess electricity to be fed back into the grid in exchange for credits or compensation. This grid connection can offset the cost of electricity from the grid when the solar system is not generating enough power.

Pros: Renewable energy source, reduced energy costs, environmentally friendly, suitable for outdoor operations.

Cons: High initial setup cost, dependence on sunlight, may require a backup charging method.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Forklift Energy

While not a traditional charging method, some forklifts use hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity. These cells provide a quick refueling alternative to traditional charging methods. Hydrogen fuel cells for forklifts work by converting hydrogen gas and oxygen from the air into electricity to power the forklift. 

Charging Infrastructure: Using hydrogen fuel cells to power electric forklifts requires two primary types of charging infrastructure and equipment: the hydrogen refueling station and the hydrogen fuel cell batteries themselves. The primary charging infrastructure for hydrogen fuel cell recharging for forklifts is a hydrogen refueling station. These stations provide the necessary infrastructure to store, dispense, and manage hydrogen fuel for forklifts equipped with hydrogen fuel cells.

Charging Process: Hydrogen is stored in a high-pressure tank or a metal hydride storage system located on the forklift. These tanks are designed to hold compressed hydrogen gas, which is used as a fuel source. The forklift takes in air through an intake, usually located at the front of the vehicle. Inside the fuel cell, electrolysis converts hydrogen gas into protons and electrons. The protons, or hydrogen ions, pass through a Proton Exchange Membrane, and combine with oxygen from the air to form water. Through this process, electrons are released, which create an electric current that powers the electric forklift.

Pros: Zero emissions, reduced electricity costs, suitable for outdoor operations.

Cons: High upfront and ongoing costs from hydrogen refueling infrastructure and producing and storing hydrogen; like refueling a conventional gas or diesel forklift, fuel cells have to be refilled manually.

The best charging method for electric forklifts depends on various factors, including the size of the fleet, operational demands, budget, and environmental considerations. Businesses should carefully evaluate their needs and reach out to companies like Resonant Link who specialize in fleet charging solutions to determine the most suitable charging solution for their electric forklifts. Additionally, forklift charging technology continues to evolve, with advancements making it easier and more economical for fleets to operate continuously. Because of this, it is essential to stay informed about the latest forklift charging technologies and uses.

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