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5 Ways Wireless Charging is the Most Flexible Motive Power Solution

Resonant Link
October 20, 2023

Wireless charging is considered one of the most flexible motive power solutions for electric vehicles and material handling equipment like forklifts for several reasons. Wireless charging works without requiring a person to plug and unplug a charger, saving time and ensuring fleets stay powered by eliminating the reliance on operators remembering to plug their trucks in to charge. Wireless charging also enables compatibility with different types of equipment, from batteries to vehicles. 

5 Ways Wireless Charging is the Most Flexible Power Solution

1. Adaptability to Various Facilities, Operating Environments, and Applications

Wireless charging systems can be installed in a wide range of operating environments, both indoor and outdoor. This adaptability makes wireless charging suitable for various industries and applications, including manufacturing facilities, warehouses, ports, and distribution centers. The flexibility to place charging stations in different locations within a facility ensures that electric vehicles or forklifts can be charged wherever they are needed, without the need for infrastructure changes.

2. On-the-Fly Charging and Operational Continuity

Wireless charging enables on-the-fly or opportunity charging, allowing electric vehicles to be charged during short breaks or downtime, such as during shift changes and when equipment is idle. This operational flexibility eliminates unplanned downtime and ensures that electric vehicles remain in service whenever they are required. In multi-shift operations, this adaptability is particularly valuable as it supports continuous, efficient operations.

3. Ease of Integration and Scalability

Wireless charging systems are designed for easy integration into existing fleets and facilities. They can be implemented gradually, allowing businesses to transition from conventional charging methods to wireless solutions without significant disruption. The scalability of wireless charging means that it can be expanded to accommodate growing fleets or changes in operational requirements. This adaptability simplifies the adoption process and provides businesses with a flexible solution for their motive power needs.

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4. Compatibility with Different Batteries and Vehicles

Wireless charging enables charging of different battery types and vehicles with one system. Resonant Link’s 19.2 kW, 400 A wireless charging system is the best motiv power solution for overall compatibility because it works with both lead acid and lithium ion batteries, and can be used to charge different vehicles in a fleet. This gives warehouse operators the flexibility to keep their fleet running with the same system today while ensuring it can also charge equipment they might want to use in the future.

5. Connectivity with Different Management Systems

Wireless charging is data-rich and flexible in its ability to connect to battery management systems for communication and monitoring using the CAN protocol. This gives businesses the ability to understand and optimize operations through route planning, by optimizing power and energy distribution, through maximizing real estate utilization, and by tracking equipment health, among other things.

The Best Choice for Operational Continuity

Overall, the flexibility of wireless charging as a motive power solution is evident in its adaptability to diverse environments, by enabling charging as vehicles work, and by being easy to integrate and scale within existing operations. These features make it a compelling choice for businesses seeking a versatile and efficient method for charging electric vehicles and material handling equipment, contributing to enhanced productivity and operational continuity.

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